flye's blog

May 6th Cone 10

A few works to come out of the kilns recently:

teapot photo

by Marine Behr

pinch cup photo

by Dot Christensen

cup photo

by John Andrilla

March 31st Cone 10 & Raku

Just a few latest things, before I run away for a short break.

Robert Andrilla's torus teapot

by Robert Andrilla

Bethel's white pot with lid

by Bethel Abraham

Lilith's raku tea bowl

by Lilith Winkler-Schor

Cartoon Strips

Gracie Dahl does some very nice work with brush and ink in her cartoon strip assignment. Click on the image to see the whole strip. Some more examples below.

Trilobite Teapot

Girl Genius teapot

I've managed to get up to a little no-good, in the form of making some teapots, cups and containers inspired by Girl Genius. A few more example shots tucked away here.

Hiphopopotamus & More!

The Hiphopopotamus

Another cone 10 kiln out, and some goodness it would be badness not to rap about, like Aliya Gilmore's hippo! (Whose lyrics are indeed bottomless, just ask Flight Of The Conchords.)

Mr. Flye, Graffiti Ninja

I recently went in to my local Home Despot to pick up something to seal the surface of raku-fired pots with, to help them keep their color. After browsing through roughly two million spray cans, I chose something that looked appropriate and headed for the checkout. At the counter, a young woman asked to see my ID. I gave her a funny look.

"You card people for buying spray paint?"

"Yeah," she said. "You have to be eighteen years old - don't want kids doing graffiti."

"How much graffiti am I going to do with CLEAR spray paint?"

I made off with my clear acrylic.

Jan. 24 2010 Cone 10 And More

Some good work from some great people to round off the semester, from a mix of kilns. I'm behind on updating individual student galleries at the moment - hopefully soon.

by John Andrilla

by John Andrilla

by Kaitlin Stair

Jan. 15th Cone 10 Firing

A few things from the latest kiln-load of goodness.

by Kristine Kinomoto

by Lacey London

by Ola Wietecha.

by Robert Andrilla

Thank You And Happy Holidays!

Thanks to all you wonderful people who have been thoughtful enough to buy your Amazon purchases by linking through this site. You've helped raise $35 or so to date, which may not be a lot in the great scheme of things, but is enough to give a well-deserving student a scholarship to pay for her class fee. Pat yourself on the back - you've made someone very happy.

Reading Makes You Fly

I finally finished my demonstration piece for our animal project. The rhino is reading - what else?! - Girl Genius vol. 2 by Phil and Kaja Foglio! He's such a fan that he's even got some steampunk/Girl Genius tattoos on his forelegs - you can check out more by clicking on the picture. And if you really want in on the fun, you can read Girl Genius here!


time well spent

closeup view Jack Troy cup, links to Jack Troy artist page

time to explore

link to newest page of ceramic artist links, including link to Scott Parady, pictured

time flies

Link to monthly image blog