Naked Raku Workshop With Will & Kate Jacobson, Wally Asselberghs & Sue Morse

To wrap up NCECA 2012, I and three students attended a naked raku workshop organized by Richard Lawson and held at Seattle Pottery Supply, featuring Will & Kate Jacobson the first day, and Wally Asselberghs & Sue Morse the second. I only got to go the first day, but it was a good time, and worth it: Kate and Will were great, I learned how to make the process work, and my students came back super-excited to do more.

Naked raku piece by Will & Kate Jacobson

Will & Kate Jacobson

Naked raku piece by Wally Asselberghs

Wally Asselberghs

Naked raku piece by Sue Morse

Sue Morse

Kate Jacobson talks about naked raku

Kate Jacobson

Will Jacobson paints on a coat of slip resist

Will Jacobson paints on a coat of slip resist.

Will Jacobson pours on a coat of sacrificial glaze

Pouring on a coat of sacrificial glaze.

Kate inscribing a desgin into the glaze layer

Kate inscribing a desgin into the glaze layer.

Putting the pot into the reduction chamber

Putting the pot into the reduction chamber when the glaze has reached an orange-peel texture.

Flaking the resist coating off the fired piece

Flaking the resist coating off the fired piece.

Susan Kirchmer and others drying their pots

Susan Kirchmer, pictured left, and others participants hold up their pots to dry in hot air blowing from an overhead heater.

A pot by Susan Kirchmer among others from the firings

A pot with a tree design by Susan Kirchmer among others from the firings.

An experimental piece by Sarah Wang

One of Sarah Wang's experiments.

A piece by Roya Baharloo

A piece by Roya Baharloo fired with ferric chloride in a tinfoil saggar, as demonstrated by Sue Morse.

A small dish by Ben Stratton

A small dish by Ben Stratton fired using Wally Asselberghs' technique of naked raku.

And a couple of pieces I experimented with.

A trial naked raku piece

Another naked raku experiment piece

time well spent

closeup view Jack Troy cup, links to Jack Troy artist page

time to explore

link to newest page of ceramic artist links, including link to Scott Parady, pictured

time flies

Link to monthly image blog