Clifford Coffin

<p><b>Clifford Coffin</b>, <i>American Vogue, June 1949</i>. Models sitting on sand dunes in California wearing swimsuits by Cole of California, Mabs, Caltex and Catalina.</p>
<p><b>Clifford Coffin</b>, <i>A Boat Docked At Capri</i>, 1947</p>
<p><b>Clifford Coffin</b>, <i>Barbara Goalen in dress by Christian Dior, Paris</i>, August 1948</p>
<p><b>Clifford Coffin</b>, <i>Self Portrait</i>, 1947</p>
<p><b>Clifford Coffin</b>, foot wearing red sandal, circa 1945</p>
<p><b>Clifford Coffin</b>, <i>Model in Dior day dress</i>, 1948</p>
<p><b>Clifford Coffin</b>, <i>Jean Patchett, Vogue</i>, July 1951</p>
<p><b>Clifford Coffin</b>, <i>Elsa Martinelli wearing fashion by Givenchy, Paris, British and American Vogues</i>, September 1954</p>
<p><b>Clifford Coffin</b>, <i>Elsa Martinelli, Candy Tannev and Nancy Berg wearing Balenciaga, Vogue Paris</i>, July 1954</p>
<p><b>Clifford Coffin</b>, <i>Jean Patchett wearing bathing suit by Carolyn Schnurer, Vogue</i>, 1950</p>
<p><b>Clifford Coffin</b>, <i>American writer Ernest Hemingway, with bare torso, reclining on a couch, holding a glass and petting a cat, with model Jean Patchett, sitting next to him with a cat on her lap, wearing a silk shirt and wrap skirt by B.H. Wragge, at Hemingway’s farmhouse, Finca Vigia, in Cuba</i>, 1950</p>
<p><b>Clifford Coffin</b>, <i>Jean Patchett wearing coat and dress by Tina Leser, Havana, Cuba</i>, 1950</p>
<p><b>Clifford Coffin</b>, <i>Mary Jane Russell, Glamour</i>, 1950</p>
<p><b>Clifford Coffin</b>, <i>Jenet Randy, Vogue</i>, November 1951</p>
<p><b>Clifford Coffin</b>, <i>Model in bathing suit by Catalina, Los Angeles</i>, 1954</p>
<p><b>Clifford Coffin</b>, <i>Joan Friedman</i>, 1957</p>
<p><b>Clifford Coffin</b>, <i>Suzy Parker</i>, February 1952</p>
<p><b>Clifford Coffin</b>, <i>Patricia Cunningham</i>, 1947</p>
<p><b>Clifford Coffin</b>, <i>From The Gown, Vogue</i>, 1954</p>
<p><b>Clifford Coffin</b>, <i>Vogue</i>, February 1947</p>
<p><b>Clifford Coffin</b>, <i>Wenda Parkinson, Vogue</i>, October 1947</p>
1913 , d. 1972

'Vogue's great lost photographer'. Model Wilhemina said of him, "He was a weird, wild man. He used to throw the editors down the staircase. He should have lived in the sixties. He was witty, bitchy and for the dull fifties shockingly so." He took the ring light used in dentistry and made it into a staple of fashion and portraiture lighting.

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