Andreas Gursky

<p><b>Andreas Gursky</b>, <i>99 Cent</i>, 1999.</p>
<p><b>Andreas Gursky</b>, <i>Rhine II</i>, 1999.</p>
<p><b>Andreas Gursky</b>, <i>Bahrain I</i>, 2005.</p>
<p><b>Andreas Gursky</b>, <i>F1 Boxenstopp I</i>, 2007.</p>
<p><b>Andreas Gursky</b>, <i>Hamm, Bergwerk Ost</i>, 2008.</p>
<p><b>Andreas Gursky</b>, <i>James Bond Island I</i>, 2007.</p>
<p><b>Andreas Gursky</b>, <i>Katar</i>, 2012.</p>
<p><b>Andreas Gursky</b>, <i>Madonna</i>, 2001.</p>
<p><b>Andreas Gursky</b>, <i>Dortmund</i>, 2009.</p>
<p><b>Andreas Gursky</b>, <i>Kuwait Stock Exchange</i>, 2007.</p>
<p><b>Andreas Gursky</b>, <i>Pyongyang ll, Diptychon</i>, 2007.</p>

Large format landscape/architecture, computer-enhanced expanded scenes of plethoras.

time well spent

closeup view Jack Troy cup, links to Jack Troy artist page

time to explore

link to newest page of ceramic artist links, including link to Scott Parady, pictured

time flies

Link to monthly image blog