Photographers Quiz Review Page 1

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Abelardo Morell

Modern master of the camera obscura

Andreas Gursky

German, contemporary, large format landscape/architecture, computer-enhanced expanded scenes

Annie Liebovitz

Rolling Stone mag, celeb/fashion portraits, Disney ads

Ansel Adams

Invented the Zone System, founding member Group f/64, Yosemite & High Sierras

Eugene Atget

Documented old Paris, known by Man Ray and made known to everyone else by Berenice Abbott

Berenice Abbott

American, 1898-1991, Paris, New York, science

Chris Jordan

Composite images/infographics, Running the Numbers, Intolerable Beauty

Diane Arbus

American, 1923 - 71, "deviant and marginal people", committed suicide

Dorothea Lange

American, 1895-1965, Depression era work, Farm Security Administration

Edward Burtynsky

Canadian, contemporary, large format industrial landscapes

Edward Steichen

American, 1879-1973, first fashion photog, landscapes

Edward Weston

American, 1886-1958, shells, veggies, landscapes, nudes, affairs with Tina Modotti and others

time well spent

closeup view Jack Troy cup, links to Jack Troy artist page

time to explore

link to newest page of ceramic artist links, including link to Scott Parady, pictured

time flies

Link to monthly image blog