Loren Pavlovski & Megan Chow

Two more prodigious pottery peoples who make the studio a good place to be.

Loren Pavlovski

Skull skullpture by Loren Pavlovski!
Vase by Loren Pavlovski
Vase by Loren Pavlovski
Vase by Loren Pavlovski
Vase by Loren Pavlovski
Patrick Star by Loren Pavlovski

Megan Chow

Teapot by Megan Chow
Vase by Megan Chow
Pot with lid by Megan Chow
Three carved cups by Megan Chow
Bowl by Megan Chow

time well spent

closeup view Jack Troy cup, links to Jack Troy artist page

time to explore

link to newest page of ceramic artist links, including link to Scott Parady, pictured

time flies

Link to monthly image blog